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Richardson International Currency Exchange, RICE FX, is a money service business based in Toronto, Canada.

Founded in 2017 by Wollongong, Australia brothers Darren & Graham Richardson and their Canadian business partners. RICE FX helps Canadian businesses to optimize their currency exchange, adding money to their bottom line.

Darren came to Toronto in 2007 to help establish the Canadian office of a large Australian money service business. Helping to grow that company inspired the Richardson brothers to explore starting their own currency exchange company, which would become RICE FX. Since 2017 with the 2 brothers, RICE FX has grown to 10 staff members & growing year on year.

We are proud to be helping businesses with Australian & New Zealand connections with their cross boarder requirements, adding value to their business & helping to save them money.

For more information click here

© Canada, Australia & New Zealand Business Association (Vancouver) (CANZBA). 
C/ Watson Goepel, 1200-1075 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3C9, Canada. 
Phone +1 (604) 694 6161. EmailPrivacy Policy.