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Membership in the Canada, Australia & New Zealand Business Association comes with a host of benefits.

Stay Informed: Access exclusive events

Special events, regular calendar events and networking opportunities allow members to be informed as to the latest issues and trends relating to trade and business within and between Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Exclusive Speaker luncheons, VIP roundtable discussions and other events present useful and practical information.

Member Benefits

SMATS Group Discount

SMATS Group is always looking at ways to support Australian expats while abroad, with many involved with Australian international organisations like Australian Embassies and Consulates, Australian business councils, chambers or societies, as well as schools, sporting clubs and university Alumni.

A Network Opportunity: Grow your business contacts

Meet others doing business in CANZBA member countries. Showcase or promote your company by sponsoring or hosting regular meetings and special events. CANZBA will link you and your organisation to other relevant and important trade contacts, conferences, workshops, seminars and people.

Join us below! All memberships are subject to board approval, but don't worry, you won't be charged if your membership is not approved. 

Click here to join

Not quite ready yet? Contact us now with any questions, or to get a personal introduction to CANZBA from our Membership Committee.

© Canada, Australia & New Zealand Business Association (Vancouver) (CANZBA). 
C/ Watson Goepel, 1200-1075 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3C9, Canada. 
Phone +1 (604) 694 6161. EmailPrivacy Policy.