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MIKTA Seminar: Middle Powers’ Role in the Era of Confrontations Among Major Powers

5 Sep 2018 12:41 PM | Anonymous

MIKTA Seminar: “Middle Powers’ Role in the Era of Confrontations Among Major Powers”

MIKTA is an innovative partnership that brings together Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea (ROK), Turkey and Australia. The group works to bridge divides in the multilateral system and build consensus on complex and challenging issues, drawing on the diverse perspectives of its members and their shared interest in an effective, rules-based global order.  In conjunction with SFU and the Asia Pacific Foundation, the MIKTA partners will be holding a seminar on Tuesday, September 18th from 10am-1:30pm at the SFU’s Segal Centre to discuss the role of Middle Powers at a time of increasing confrontations among the major powers.  Register here.  .

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