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SMATS Group Vancouver Budget Seminar Event

12 Jun 2023 1:40 PM | Anonymous

SMATS Group invites CANZBA members to join them for an informative presentation, that will provide a detailed look at the 2023 Australian Federal Budget covering:

  • Key insights into the Australian Federal Budget announcement
  • Analysis of the economic responses and new initiatives
  • Review of the revenue and expenditure priorities
  • Evaluation of how the budget may shape the economy.
  • Budget impact on Australians, expats, intended migrants & investors.

Seminar Event Details:
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2023
Time: 11:30 am PDT
Location: Glowbal Restaurant Vancouver, 590 West Georgia, TELUS Garden, Vancouver BC, Canada, V6E 1A3

Registrations are still open however seats are limited.

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